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Author’s Note: I published this a couple of weeks before “Sisterhooves Social” aired, so
keep that in mind when you get to Rarity’s backstory.
Also, for anyone who gets linked directly here rather than through my dA posting of it,
this pic was what inspired the ending scene and, along with “My Little Dashie” (which
you should read before reading this, as this is an interpretation of a possible sequel),
the whole story:
I’m not that
great at describing clothing, so the picture will give you a much better idea of what they’re
wearing than I was able to describe. XD
A Moment
It’s been a good number of years… Heck, it’s been almost a decade, now that I think
about it, since my daughter, Dashie, was called back to fulfill her role amongst the keepers of the
Elements of Harmony. More accurately, and probably more importantly, she was called back to
her place within her circle of close friends, back to the world of Equestria, where she could be
free to be all that she could be as a pegasus pony. It used to be that, confronted with such a
saddening departure, I would have collapsed into a state of utter despair. However, that was just
the type of thing that having Dashie in my life for fifteen years had cured. Her presence and the
love that we shared as father and daughter transformed me from an indifferent, discontented
everyman into a more cheerful, more involved, and ultimately more optimistic human being. This
isn’t to say that her disappearance from my life didn’t hurt, but I didn’t let it fester. I have been
able to move on with my life, as I know she would want me to do.
This all being said, some of the details remain the same as they were. I’m still living
outside of town in the place where we spent our last years together. The landscape out here is
so pleasantly rustic that, even were it not rife with memories of my time with my daughter, I
wouldn’t want to leave. My employer is the same, though I have managed to step up the career
ladder a bit. I still live by myself, but that doesn’t mean that I’m still alone. I’ve made some good
friends since Dashie left, something else that I owe to the power that she has had on my life. I
haven’t settled down with anybody as of now, though that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ve
closed myself off to the idea. What I have decided, however, is that I will simply handle that
possibility if and when it arises rather than try to force it. It helps that my time with Dashie
already provided me with one of the best family experiences almost anyone has ever had the
luck to live through. In any case, I take things here one day at a time.
The group of six ponies had just finished helping the Apple family with some applebucking
Fluttershy, who held a hoof up to Twilight’s mouth.
“She’s having a moment.”
Twilight’s eyes widened for a second before settling into a look of genuine concern.
“Oh…I see.” Knowing this would probably be no quick affair, she took her seat next to the other
two ponies. After a few moments, she ventured, “Was it the party that set you off, Dash?” Dash
simply nodded in response.
The trio sat there, reflecting, until the other three eventually came out to investigate.
Sensing that there was great distress, they joined their friends in sitting. Applejack was the first
to speak.
“A moment?”
Fluttershy muttered, “Yeah.”
Applejack nodded sagely and said, “Ah kinda figgered. After we stopped to watch Twilight
dancin’, she gave off one o’ those meanin’ful looks to nopony in particular, and she left not long
after that.”
Everypony knew what Applejack meant by “meanin’ful looks”. They were the looks that
Dash shot off in the direction of the camera if and when she became aware that it was focused
on them at that moment. For a while after they had returned, this signaled that, after the scene
was over, Dash was going to go off and contemplate for a while. However, she had eventually
grown to take these moments in stride, and for the past few years, the looks were all she did.
Nonetheless, here she was again, and she seemed more melancholy than at any time before.
Pinkie Pie shifted uncomfortably before finally asking, “Dashie, what can we do for you?
It hurts us all to see you all sad and mopey and stuff, especially when you should be having lotsa
fun, like tonight! I’m glad this hasn’t happened in a reeeeeally long time (like, I can’t even
the last time it happened), but it can’t go on forever, ya know! Besides, I thought you
said you were too tough to let it keep a sporty pony like you down, so what happened?”
Dash smiled a little. Pinkie was the only one who could get away with calling her
“Dashie” without triggering some sort of negative emotion. It was probably because she was so
carefree and excitable that it was hard to picture her
saying it at least sometimes. With the
most positivity she had shown since coming outside, she explained, “There’s not really anything
do except to keep being the awesome and supportive friends you are. Besides, it can’t
and won’t go on forever. Like you said, I’ve just sorta powered through a lot of the scenes I
remembered watching at home. This time hurts more than the others, though, because for this
scene I remember thinking more strongly than at any other time that I’d like to be here in this
world.” Realizing what she was implying, she added, “I still
glad to be here, and I know that
this is where I belong. It’s just that, I can’t help but think of him when we get to these situations
and hope that Celestia let him keep my note and photos for remembrance.”
Twilight spoke up, “Actually…Celestia just talked to me about this recently, and, yes, she
did let him keep that stuff.” Dash’s ears perked up, and her expression instantly transformed
from one of sorrow to one of excitement. Twilight continued, “She had said that she didn’t really
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A Moment