Pocket Tanks Deluxe "Nuke Pack" (free weapon expansion) ----------------------------------- version 1.00 February 8th, 2002 Copyright 2002 BlitWise Productions LLC, All Rights Reserved written by: Michael P. Welch e-mail: mike@blitwise.com website: www.blitwise.com Description: 5 'free' weapons for use with Pocket Tanks Deluxe Requirements: Pocket Tanks Deluxe v1.00b or higher You can purchase a copy of Pocket Tanks Deluxe by visiting http://www.blitwise.com/ptanksdeluxe.html If you are a registered owner and need an updated version of Pocket Tanks Deluxe, send an email to support@blitwise.com Weapons List: Nuke - Medium explosion size, but the hardest hitting weapon in the game Mega Nuke - Huge explosion size, but not quite as powerful as the Nuke Pillow Fight - Direct damage on impact, with exploding feathers for splash damage Sink and Swim - The enemy tank 'sinks' into a hole, as hail showers them from above Hot Foot - An underground weapon with timed detonation (1 second) and an upwardly spreading barrage of tunneling warheads For more great weapons, visit: http://www.blitwise.com/ptanksdepot.html